Sunday, November 30, 2008

"god bless the queen"

"He was the king", you'll hear them say, "He whooped everybody in his day". He won everything...all the big ones. In the old days the "big ones" were "The Feature", "Hot Springs", The Tournament", and then came "TheInternational in Phillipines,theWorld Championship at Copper State,The Jumper-Hawaiian,and the 1st of the big knife derbies at Two States, and finally the biggest of the big,The independence day Hawaiian derby at Texoma followed closely by the christmas derby,the Breeders Tournament/World Championship.Oh, let's not forget the "biggie"at Red Arrow,over 100 entries at $1000.00 a pop,and in the end the World Championship at the Bayou Club.Of course,they were all big at Sunset,a who's who of the toughest of the tough.If you happen to be out in front of the cockhouses with the regulars or in the bleachers with the oldtimers you'll hear'em talking about who was the king, or better yet, the Kings! In my opinion we've had quite a few,all in their day equally tough.If you think hard enough about it,I bet everyone could pick their own personal king of the kings.You can be sure every cocker will have his or her own opinion.
The one thing you won't hear much about though is the "QUEEN".Now don't get me wrong, all the kings probably had a woman behind them,or in alot of cases,beside them.I know for a fact that some of them were top of the line "chicken women."Dena Hulsey,the Duke's wife from earlier times,and in the years not too far gone, Mrs.Nonie White, Dewayne White's wife,of the Black Smith entry.I know for a fact I'd give anything to be half the chicken man she is.When I went to visit the Whites(and now this is just between you and me)it was ms. nonie calling the shots.She'd tell Dewayne to get this or that, or that she was going to do this or that to the roosters,and all I ever heard him say was ok.that Mr.Dewayne is a smart guy! I found that out real quick!
another example is mrs. sabra ttochta. you'd see "miss sabra" as i called her at just about every derby at texoma, and she'd have a show of those blacks, her babies she called them. well let me tell you mister, if you were matched into her, you were in a whole world of trouble.don't believe me, well ask some of those alabama pro's that learned the lesson the hard way. two top of the line chicken women!!
let's get on down to why i started this story. i only know of one woman who truily lived, breathed, ate, and slept cocking, from early in the morning til way past late at night. in the early 80's til the mid 90's she ran with the toughest of the tough, the likes of joe goode, slim benoist,the johnson boy's, charlie and jimmy, oscar akins, cliff collins, dan gray and others most of you have never heard of, but were just as big and tough.consult your journals if you don't believe me! the fact is most all these guy's bought their worm pills and keep aids, etc., direct from her, little home made concoctions to make a rooster the best he could be.every one of the men listed before has publicly thanked her in the pages of "the gamecock" more than once. from her little one page ad, her name grew to literally a household word in the cocking world.from the philliphines to hawaii,to the mountains of tennessee, down into alabama,back up thru louisana. from the west coast of california all the way back to heartland of cocking in oklahoma. yes, far and wide fellow cockers, i give you the queen of cocking, the one and only pocahontas "POKEY"stover savage.for years she published the weekly fight report newsletter "the cock and bull". i don't know if you were a subscriber,but i promise you this, all the big boy's were, not most, all... from tips on horses or football games, to who was gonna win the derby and where in the coming weeks, you never knew just what might be in there.but she was usually right. if she told oscar his roosters were wormy, he wormed them(with her pills i might add), if she told the gamblers who was gonna win the derby, thats the way they bet, and if you were lucky enough to consider her a friend you were miles ahead of the pack!!
well people, pokey Stover was a friend of mine. i loved every minute being around her at the pits and cherished every phone call and e-mail we shared together. we talked several times a week in the last few months months before she left us, mostly just reminiscing about old times. i loved to hear her tell the stories of which she was full of, but i always had to make time for her to brag on her kids and tell me how good they were doing; very smart kids and i said that not her.
and so another flame burns out in the cocking world, but so many of our lives will be all the richer for knowing her!! I HOPE YOU WERE ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES!!
to end this, i tip my hat and rise my glass and salute the one and only true "QUEEN OF THE COCKING WORLD" MRS. POCAHONTIS "POKEY" STOVER SAVAGE. god bless you friend, and long live the "QUEEN".

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

do as i say ,not as i do!!!

well hello boy's,
i'm a gonna try to get this thing rollin at long last. try to read this thing regularily, as you might never know what'll be in here, ie. advise,tips, what's hot, what's not, where the fish are bittin, whatever. leave me your coments, on whatever you want!!!!!!
well my website's still not 100%, but it's driveable, so check it now and then to see if there's any thing for today's hot topic. if your thinkin bout goin into the chicken bussiness to make some money, forget it, ain't gonna happen!!! if you get lucky enough to break even every now and then, be proud, cause your way ahead'a keep a pure family right you need to breed a lot of biddies, sit back and wait fer the cream to come to the top .now right here's somethin fer ya ta sink yer teeth into.most cocker's would be way ahead, never trying to breed any pure fowl!!!!!go to one of the big boy's, pay his price and get a cock of one strain and a couple hens of another.(his time tested blend). breed'em for a couple a three years, then discard them and go back and get ya some more.why get rid of the orginal's, after 4-5 years their offspring will slow down. they won't be what they were when their momma&daddy was younger...o.k. i can hear ya already, "that's gonna get awful expensive goin back for new brood fowl every few years".well if'in ya think so, try breedin enough to maintain a pure family properly, figure in all it takes to get'em to where ya need'em, don't bother tryin to put a price on yer time, this holes gonna be plenty deep anyway!!!did i say "a" pure family, i meant two(2)families, that's what you gotta have for "show fowl". now figure in some of that high powered mix ya like so well. time out here!!! is it just me or have any of ya'll noticed that scratch grain has gone from $5.85 to $11.95, whole corn from $4.25 to $8.75 and everything else right with it...friend's that's double and that's without the twist, in a year mind ya now!!!! now where was i,i tell ya what, let's just get on down to the gettin down...morale of the story is ,take my advise or leave it, this is a expensive game we're playin. 20 some odd year ago i made the remark to an old man i was gettin broodfowl from that they were awful high. he said, yea, and if you think your spendin it now just wait til you start "showin" them. now let me tell ya ,he done said a mouthful!!!!!!!!! amen, that's the end of the sermon, now time ta pass the plate!!!
boy's my feed bill's $300.00 a week, i need to sell some chicken's!!! i've done penned close to 100 of these spangled stags. no man has better or prettier, they are a sight to behold. so pretty, in fact i've had to start sending out a pair of protective eyeglasses with every trio, you guessed it, their so pretty their startin to hurt people's eye's!!!!!!!!!!!!! the roundheads are runnin with'em neck and neck. i've got the dark roundheads like ya'll have been me now, while the fire's hot.i remember the 1st time i laid out the big bucks, it was hard!! two years later they'd done paid me back (10) fold. i can't gaurntee that, but i do promise you'll get back just as much as you put into them. if ever your not happy ,let me know(i want to know), i'll make it right!!!!!!!
thanks for listen'n

Sunday, July 27, 2008

God Bless The Queen!

"He was the king", you'll hear them say, "He whooped everybody in his day". He won everything...all the big ones. In the old days the "big ones" were "The Feature", "Hot Springs", The Tournament", and then came "The International in the Philippines".

(This post is not yet finished, please check back in a few days.)